HTML Event Attributes

HTML event attributes work on certain actions users perform on browsers like a mouse click, keyboard key press, etc.

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HTML Event Attributes

It can be used with HTML elements with a script inside it to execute when users click or perform other events. Events get activated with these attributes when added to the HTML elements.

The value of the event attributes is the script-like programming language Javascript to execute actions users perform on the browser.

List of HTML Event Attributes

Below is the list of HTML event attributes:-

Window Event Attributes

The window events are executed when the event perform for the window object applied with the <body> tag. The window event attributes are given below:

Attribute Name Description
onafterprint It executes the script after the print of the document
onbeforeprint It executes the script before the print of the document
onbeforeunload It executes the script before the unloading of the document
onerror It executes the script on the occurrence of the error.
onhashchange It executes the script when there is a change in the anchor part of the URL on a web page.
onload It executes the script when the web page is loaded completely.
onmessage It executes the script on the occurrence of the message.
onoffline It executes the script when the browser disconnects from the internet and starts working offline.
ononline It executes the script when the browser connects to the internet and starts working online.
onpagehide It executes the script when the user moves away from the current page or is hidden from the current page.
onpageshow It executes the script when the user moved to a page or shows the page
onpopstate It executes the script when the history of the current window is changed.
onresize It executes the script on resizing or size changes of the window.
onstorage It executes the script on the updation of the web storage.
onunload It executes the script on the unload or close of the current window.

Form Event Attributes

The form HTML event attributes are triggered when the user performs certain actions on forms like submission, user input, etc. However, these attributes apply to other HTML elements also. But, these are commonly used in forms.

Attribute Name Description
onblur It executes the script when the form element loses focus.
onchange It executes the script when the value of the element is changed.
oncontextmenu It executes the script when the user opens the context menu with a right-click.
onfocus It executes the script when the form element gets focused.
oninput It executes the script when the user enters some value to the form element.
oninvalid It executes the script when the form input element input values are invalid or empty.
onreset It executes the script when the user clicks the reset button of the form.
onsearch It executes the script when the user enters some input in the form search input field.
onselect It executes the script when the user selects some text of the form element.
onsubmit It executes the script when the user submits the form.

Keyboard Event Attributes

The keyboard event attributes are triggered when the users press or release the keys.

Attribute Name Description
onkeydown It executes the script when the user press down the key on the keyboard.
onkeypress It executes the script when the user presses the key on the keyboard.
onkeyup It executes the script when the user releases the pressed key on the keyboard.

Mouse Events

The mouse event attributes are triggered when the users perform a mouse click on elements.

Attribute Name Description
onclick It executes the script when the user mouse clicks on the element.
ondblclick It executes the script when the user mouse double-click on the element.
onmousemove It executes the script when the user moves the mouse pointer over an element.
onmouseout It executes the script when the user moves the mouse pointer out of the element
onmouseover It executes the script when the user moves the mouse pointer over the element.
onmouseup It executes the script when the user releases the pressed mouse button over an element.
onmousedown It executes the script when the user presses the mouse button on an element.
onwheel It executes the script when the mouse wheel rolls up and down on the element.

Drag Events

The drag events occur when the users drag-n-drop the element to the drop target.

Attribute Name Description
ondrag It executes the script when the element is dragged into the document.
ondragend It executes the script at the end of dragging the element.
ondragenter It executes the script when the dragging element enters a valid drop target.
ondragleave It executes the script when the dropped element leaves the valid drop target.
ondragstart It executes the script at the start of the drag process of the element.
ondragover It executes the script when the element drags over a valid drop target.
ondrop It executes the script when the dragging element drops to a valid drop target.
onscroll It executes the script when the scrollbar of the element is being scrolled.

Clipboard Event Attributes

The clipboard event attributes are triggered when they copy, cut, and paste the content of the document in the browser.

Attribute Name Description
oncopy It executes the script when the user copies the content of the element.
oncut It executes the script when the user cuts the content of the element.
onpaste It executes the script when the user pastes the content of the element.

Media Events

The media events are triggered when the users interact with the media elements on the browser like <audio>, <video>, <img>, <embed>, etc.

Attribute Name Description
onabort It executes the script on abort.
oncanplay It executes the script when the media file is ready to start playing.
oncanplaythrough It executes the script when the media file starts playing without buffering or pausing.
oncuechange It executes the script when the cue of the <track> element is changed.
ondurationchange It executes the script when the duration of the media file is changed.
onemptied It executes the script when the media file is disconnected or unavailable for some reason.
onended It executes the script when the media file reached the endpoint.
onerror It executes the script when the media file gives some error on load.
onloadeddata It executes the script when the media data is loaded.
onloadedmetadata It executes the script when the metadata of the media is loaded.
onloadstart It executes the script when the media file starts loading or it begins to load.
onpause It executes the script when the media file playback is paused.
onplay It executes the script when the media file is ready to start playing after it is paused.
onplaying It executes the script when the media file starts loading or it begins to load.
onprogress It executes the script when the browser is in the progress of getting the media data.
onratechange It executes the script when the playback speed of the running media file is changed.
onseeked It executes the script when the media seeks to the end and the seeking attribute is set to false.
onseeking It executes the script when the media playback seeking is active and the seeking attribute is set to true.
onstalled It executes the script when the browser is not able to fetch the data of the media file.
onsuspend It executes the script when the media file data is stopped fetching for some reason.
ontimeupdate It executes the script when the media is playback position or time is changed like fast forwarding the track.
onvolumenchange It executes the script when the volume of playback media is changed or muted.
onwaiting It executes the script when the media playback is paused and is waiting to load more data.

Misc Events

Attribute Name Description
ontoggle It executes the script when the user toggle (opens and close) the <deails> element.

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