HTML var tag

Last Updated on April 26, 2023 by Roshan Parihar

Definition of var tag

HTML var tag is used to show mathematical expression including variables.

What is HTML5 var tag

Mathematical expression is, the equations we use in mathematics. The equations like quadratic, linear, etc. These equations contains some variables. We use this tag to show those variable for the equations. This is Useful when you want to put some mathematical terms.


You can define the variables using this tag. Put variables in the var start and end tag.

Let’s see the example for this:


The mathematical expression of linear equation is:
X+Y = 6
3X4Y = 9

This is the example of the mathematical expression of the linear equation. The mathematical equation contains two variables X and Y. In the example, include the variables inside the HTML var tag. The output of the example is a mathematical expression.

var tag as a HTML5

var tag is widely used for showing mathematical expressions. It is HTML5 element.

Resources and References for HTML var tag

1. W3C Specification.
2. HTML living standard
3. W3C project using Github