How to add page title of a website using HTML title tag

Last Updated on April 26, 2023 by Roshan Parihar

Definition of HTML title tag

HTML title tag is used in web pages to give title to html document. The title is the part of a website that describes the page.

The page titles are displays in the browser tabs. If you want to see the title of a web document, then open any browser of your choice, open the page and see the tab for the title.

The website title takes a valuable part when you think of seo of your website. When you are writing an article for your website, you need to put the page title for Search Engine.

When a person search for that page in a Search Engine, the keywords in the title helps Search Engine to find and display that page.

You can give each page its own title to summarise the content of the page. The title describes the overall part of the page.

The page title should be different for each page. If you use the same title for many pages, your pages come up with content duplicacy. Search Engine punish those websites with duplicate content present in the any part.

HTML title tag can explain using the following topics given in the table below:

Table of Content

  1. Syntax
  2. Resources and References


The syntax contains the starting and closing title tag. In these tags you can write your title with your keyword.

one keyword in the title

You can show one keyword of your page using the below format of a title like this:

This displays the title as HTML body tag. Open your browser and look for the tab to see this one keyword title.

more than one keyword in the title

You can show more than one keyword in the title using the below format like this:

This displays the title as ‘HTML body tag | HTML content’. Both are the keyword. To see the result, open your browser and look for the tab to see this multiple keyword title.

Resources and References

1. W3C Specification.
2. HTML living standard

checkout tutorialdeep tutorials and learn HTML tutorial for in depth study.

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