HTML meter tag

Last Updated on April 26, 2023 by Roshan Parihar

HTML meter tag is used for scalar measurement within known range.

meter tag can be include inside web document using min and max value.



2 out of 5

List of HTML meter tag attributes

Sr. No. Atribute options Description
1 max Specify the maximum value of the range. The value for this is a numeric value.
2 min Specify the minimum number of range. The value for this is a numeric value.
3 value Specify the current value of the gauge. The value for this is a numeric value.
4 form Specify the id of the form. The value for this is id of the form.
5 high Specify the high value for range. The value for this is a numeric value.
6 low Specify the low value for range. The value for this is a numeric value.
7 optimum Specify the optimal value for the range. The value for this is a numeric value.

Resources and References

1. W3C Specification.
2. HTML living standard
3. W3C project using Github