Last Updated on April 26, 2023 by Roshan Parihar
HTML basefont tag is used to specify the base font, color, size and font family for a website.
These base specifications is applied to all the pages of a website.
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<basefont face="specify base font family here" size="specify base font size here" color="specify base font family here"/> |
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<basefont face="sans-serif" size="20" color="red"/> |
Basefont tag attributes
Sr. No. | atribute options | Description |
1 | face | Used to specify the base font family for all the pages of website |
2 | size | Used to specify the base size for all the pages of website |
3 | color | Used to specify the base color for all the pages of website |
Resources and References of HTML basefont tag
1. W3C Specification.
2. HTML living standard
3. W3C project using Github