HTML area tag

Last Updated on July 3, 2023 by Roshan Parihar

HTML area tag is used to add clickable area to an image map. After specifying the link to each area of image, you can hover and click the links to open them.

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html area tag nature image

paragraph image figure

The HTML <area> tag should be always placed inside the <map> tag in HTML document.

The syntax of the <area> tag in HTML 5 is given below:

<area shape=”” coords=”” alt=”” href=””>

The above syntax shows the attributes of this tag. It has only start and no end tag in HTML document.
Specifications of HTML <address>:

Start Tag <area>
End Tag N/A
Content Type N/A

Attributes of HTML area tag

HTML area Tag Specific Attributes

Sr. No. atribute Name Description
1 alt alt tag is used to display alternate text for the area.
2 coords coords id used to specify the co-ordinates of the area to describe the href link. This becomes to clickable area to show internal or external pages.

  • for shape=”rect”, coords= “left, top, right, bottom” coords value are the numeric values.
  • for shape=”circle”, coords= “center-x, center-y, radius” coords value are the numeric values.
  • for shape=”poly”, coords= “x1, y1, x2, y2, …xn,yn” coords value are the numeric values.
3 download Used to describe the file to dowload on click. The value of this attribute is the name of a file with its location.
4 href href is used to specify the location of the source or location to display on click.
5 hreflang hreflang is used to specify the language of the source.
6 media media is used to specify the media or target device the target url is optimized for.
7 rel rel is used to specify the relationship between the current location and the target location. The values for rel attribute are

8 shape shape is used to specify the shape of the image map. The values for this attribute are rect, rectangle, circ, circle, poly, polygon

Global Attributes

The <address> tag supports the global attributes in HTML 5.

Events Attributes

The <address> tag supports the event attributes in HTML 5.

Supported Browsers

  • Google Chrome
  • Microsoft Edge
  • Internet Explorer
  • Safari
  • Firefox
  • Opera