Parts of Speech in English Grammar with Examples

Last Updated on September 12, 2022 by Roshan Parihar

Parts of speech are the most important part of English Grammar. When you want to learn English Grammar, you should start with learning Parts of speech to find out the correct way of writing English.

It helps you to construct a meaningful sentence and know each part to recognize words. Each word in a sentence plays different roles that are categorized according to parts of speech.

What is Part of Speech?

Part of speech helps you to analyze the words and their roles in a sentence of the English language. The overall structure of the language depends upon the parts of speech.

Understanding parts of speech is the essential part of English Grammar to find the meaning of the words in a sentence. Each word in a sentence is categorized into parts of speech. You can easily create good sentences after learning part of speech in English Grammar.

8 Parts of Speech in English Grammar with Examples

There are 8 parts of speech in English Grammar that are described with examples given below.

1. Noun: Parts of speech

The noun is the name of any person, place, thing, or idea.

Example: girl, boy, Ram, Shyam, University, School, Happiness, Pen, Teacher, etc.

Example 1

Ram going to the library to read books.

Ram is a person, library is a place, and books is a thing

Example 2

John has two sons and a daughter.

John is a person, sons and daughter are a things.

Example 3

Vikas is a boy and Renu is a girl.

John and Renu are persons. There are no place and things in the example.

2. Pronoun

A pronoun is a word that is used in place of a Noun. It replaces and refers to Nouns in a sentence and useful when you don’t want to use Nouns repeatedly.

Example: He, Him, She, it, I, We, You, They, Who, His, Her, Someone, etc.

Example 1

Ram is a clever person who runs a private company to earn money. He lives in India and his company located in Mumbai.

Who, He, and his are pronouns.

Example 2

Mumbai is located in India. It is a great place to visit.

It is a pronoun.

3. Verb: Parts of speech

The verb is a word that shows an action or state of being. Every sentence requires a verb to create a meaningful sentence.

Example: Go, Goes, Went, Kill, Write, Disappear, Sing, Read, can, do, etc.

Example 1

I write a letter.

write is a verb.

Example 2

He goes to Mumbai for adventure.

goes is a verb.

4. Adjective

The adjective is the word that describes a Noun or shows the specialty of Noun in a sentence.

Example: Good, Small, Large, Big, Well, Long, Blue, Pink, Old, Young, Smart, Intelligent, etc.

Example 1

This is a well written letter by the teacher.

well is an Adjective.

Example 2

The letter is very long to read.

long is an adjective.

Example 3

Reema is a good teacher.

good is an adjective.

5. Adverb

An adverb is a word that describes a verb, adjective, or adverb.

Example: very, well, quickly, silently, brilliantly, tremendously, amazingly, really, fast, slow, etc.

Example 1

The quick brown fox is very hungry.

very is an Adverb.

Example 2

Ram wrote a very long letter.

very is an Adverb.

6. Preposition: Parts of speech

A preposition is a word that used before noun to link another noun in a sentence. It shows the relationship between a word with another word that is the object is the given sentence.

Example: by, over, with, after, to, in, at, but, on, about, etc.

Example 1

The letter is written by him.

by is a preposition.

Example 2

The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog.

over is an Adverb.

7. Conjunction: Part of speech

A conjunction is a word that combines words, sentences or phrases, and clauses.

Example: and, with, but, while, or, when, etc.

Example 1

The letter is written by a teacher and read by the students.

and is a Conjunction.

Example 2

The students like to attend Games but don’t like to attend Literature classes.

but is a Conjunction.

8. Interjection

An interjection is a word that is used to express emotions or exclamations in a sentence.

Example: Wow!, Amazing!, Awesome!, Oops!, Well!, Hi!, etc.

Example 1

Wow! What a party tonight.

Wow! is an Interjection.

Example 2

Oops! The teacher is young and beautiful.

Oops! is an Interjection.

Why Parts of Speech is Important for a Language

When you want to learn a foreign language, you should learn parts of speech to easily recognize the foreign language. After learning the part of speech, you can easily relate the words and the connection among them. After getting the relation, you can identify the meaning of the words in a sentence.

Parts of speech are useful to set the sequence of words in a sentence. To create a meaningful sentence and get the proper order of the words, you can start learning English with parts of speech.

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