What is Common Noun in English Grammar? Examples

Last Updated on December 25, 2020 by Roshan Parihar

In this tutorial, learn what is common noun in English Grammar with examples. In short, we can say that it is the general names which define the whole class of any person, place or thing.

What is the Common Noun?

A common noun is a name for the non-specific categories of the person, place or thing. It can be same for all the person and they are the general names of any person. There are many kinds of the noun in English Grammar and Common noun is one of them.


friend, police, stuntman, teacher, college, school, university, village, city, etc.
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How to Identify a Common Noun in English Grammar

How to Identify a Common Noun in English Grammar

Identify the person as a common noun
If we want to call any person, we have to use his/her name. Now, suppose if you don’t know the name of the person then how will you call that person. In that condition, you have to use the general name like a boy, friend, man, women, etc.

These all are the general names of the person you can use if you don’t know the real names of the person.

Find the place as a common noun
Suppose, you want to visit a place and you don’t know the name of the place. But, if you don’t know the name of the place then how will you call that place. Well, in that condition, you have to use the general names like school, university, city, state, bank, etc.

Recognize the thing as a common noun
Let us take the example of cell phone you are asking with your friend. If you don’t know the name or brand of it, you may use generic names like mobile, phone, etc. Similarly, there are other examples like the refrigerator, stove, table, etc.

Examples, Questions, and Answers

1. There are numerous best players in the Indian cricket team.

‘players’ is the general name.

2. Kim is the strongest boy in the university.

‘boy’ is the general name.

3. I have two sons and two daughters.

‘son’ and ‘daughter’ are the general names.

Question: Find the common noun in the given sentences.

  1. Ramji is the youngest student of the 12th class.
  2. He is a clever man with a sharp mind.
  3. I have two dogs and one goat.
  4. Ask your friend to come with me to the party.
  1. Ramesh
  2. India
  3. London
  4. Australia
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