CSS border image repeat

CSS border image repeat is used to define whether the border images are repeat, round or stretch.



This is the paragraph inside the div with repeated border image.

CSS border image repeat values list

Sr. No. value Description
1 stretch Used to specify the border image to stretch and fit the block area.
2 repeat Used to specify the border image to repeat and fit the block area.
3 round Used to specify the border image to stretch and fit the block area. If it not fit the block after stretch then it get rescaled to fit the area.
4 space Used to specify the border image to stretch and fit the block area. If it not fit the block after stretch then extra space is distributed aroun the block area.
5 initial Used to define as the property initial value.
6 inherit Used to define the computed value of property on the elements parent.
7 unset Used to define the property either acts as inherit or initial, depending on the property if it is inherited or not.