CSS align content

CSS align content is used to define the alignment of box items.

This property aligns the flex line within a multi-line flex container if there is extra space available.



CSS align content values list

Sr. No. value Description
1 space-between Used to evenly distribute the flex items inside the box. The value for this is space-between.
2 space-around Used to evenly distribute the flex items inside the box with half size spaces . The value for this is space-between.
3 flex-start Used to move flex items to the start of block. The value for this is flex-start.
4 flex-end Used to move flex items to the end of block. The value for this is flex-end.
5 center Used to move flex items to the center of block. The value for this is center.
6 stretch Used to stretch the flex items to fit the block. The value for this is stretch.
7 initial Used to define as the property initial value.
8 inherit Used to define the computed value of property on the elements parent.
9 unset Used to define the property either acts as inherit or initial, depending on the property if it is inherited or not.