How to Display Button on Hover Using HTML and CSS

Last Updated on May 6, 2021 by Roshan Parihar

In this tutorial, learn how to display button on hover using HTML and CSS. The short answer is: use the CSS property position and z-index to overlay over div element and display on hover.

You can display the read more button over the div element on your website to visit the full content of the page. Let’s find out with the examples given below.

How to Display Button on Hover Using HTML and CSS

Now, the question is how to perform this task and create the hover effect using HTML and CSS. The answer is you have to use the CSS property position:relative for the div content and position:absolute for the button. After that, you have to use the z-index property for the button to display on hover over the div element as given below:


Hover over the above box to see the button.

Simply hover over the div block given in the output section above. A button will start to appear when you hover the above block. This is the hover effect you can perform using the above example HTML and CSS.

One thing you should notice here that initially, you have to hide the button element to display the button on hover. Set the position:absolute property of CSS to the button element.

How to Show Multiple Buttons on Hover

In addition to the above example, you can also display multiple buttons on hover using CSS. It requires the same methods as you have used in the above example of the CSS button hover effect. There are 4 div elements given below and you have to add the same CSS to all of them as given below:


Hover over the above boxes to see the buttons.

When you hover over the image div content blocks, it displays the button element that can be a link to your website pages.

FAQS on How to Display Button on Hover Using HTML and CSS

1. How Do You Make a Button Visible on Hover?

Answer: To make a button visible on hover, you have to use the :hover selector. Initially, you have to hide the button using the CSS display:none property. After that, use the CSS display: block with the :hover selector with the button to make it visible on hover.

2. How Do You Display Text When the Cursor Hovers Over an Image?

Answer: To display text when the cursor hovers over an image, you have to first overlay the text over an image using the CSS position: absolute and position: relative property with z-index. After that, hide the text using the display:none property. You can display the text when the cursor hovers over an image using the CSS display: block with the CSS :hover selector with the text.

You can use the above examples and replace the background color with the background image. Also, replace the button with the text content to display it when the cursor hovers over an image.

3. How to Show Button on Hover Using CSS?

Answer: To show button on hover, you have to first hide it using the CSS display:none property. After that, use the CSS display: block with the CSS :hover selector with the button element.

The first example given above shows the method to show button on hover using CSS.

4. How jQuery Show Button on Hover?

Answer: You can use jQuery to show button on hover. Firstly, you have to use the hide() to hide the button. After that, use the jQuery hover() inside which you have to use the show(). The below example shows the method of jQuery to show button on hover.

5. How to Show Div on Hover Using jQuery?

Answer: To show div on hover using jQuery, you have to first use the hide() to hide the <div> element. After that, you can use the jQuery hover(). Inside that function, you have to use the show() with the div element. The below example shows the method show div on hover using jQuery.

You can replace the jQuery $(this) with the id or class of the div element.

6. How to Make Button Appear on Hover?

Answer: To make a button appear on hover, you have to use the CSS :hover selector to select the button when mouseover. Initially, hide the button using the display: none property of CSS. After that, use the CSS display: block inside the CSS :hover selector.

I hope you like this post on how to show button on hover on the div element. The button hover effects are also useful to show other HTML elements using CSS.

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