How to Get Last n Characters of String in Python

Last Updated on May 16, 2024 by Roshan Parihar

To get the last character of a string in Python, use the index operator ([]) with -1 as its argument. -1 is the index position of the last character of every string.

How to Get the Last Character of String in Python

If you want to get the last character of the string, you have to use the index operator ([]). You also have to pass the -1 as the argument of the index operator for getting the last character.

Example 1: Get last character of string


The last character of the string is: e

The above example prints the last character of the string in the output. However, this method does not remove the last element with the above method. You have to use the below method given in the below section.

Get Last n Characters of String in Python

If you want to get the last n characters of a string in Python, you can use the index operator ([]) and pass the argument as -n:. You have to replace the n with your number of characters to get from the string>

Example 2: Get last 2 characters of string


The last 2 characters of the string are: op

More Examples to Get More Characters

Example 3: Get last 3 characters of string


The last 3 characters of the string are: iop

Example 4: Get last 4 characters of string


The last 4 characters of the string are: uiop

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