How is Tutorialdeep Funded?
I believed in transparency with our audience. In my opinion, it’s the only way to build our trusted community.
Running a website like Tutorialdeep that helps thousands of users every month requires significant investment. On both the server infrastructure and the content creation part.
I personally maintain free written tutorials and hundreds of free tips and updates.
So yes, I have to make money for this website otherwise we would have to shut the site down.
Below is a primary source of funding for Tutorialdeep.
Referral Fees
We earn referral fees when you buy products from companies that we recommend. These products are our tested and trusted one, we only recommend products that we believe will add value to our readers.
We thoroughly use and test all the products that we recommend. All opinions and suggestions are our own, and we do not accept payments for positive reviews.
This is called affiliate marketing. The biggest brands on the internet offers affiliate programs such as Bluehost, Hostgator, etc.
Many of your favorite websites uses the affiliate marketing to pay the bills for the investments.
The only difference is that not everyone tells their users how they make money.
Sometimes you will see banner ads like these:
Other times, you will see a special, unique links to the blog page that track referrals such as:
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When you click on these links, you are tagged with a special cookie to track the referral. If you end up buying the product, then they pay us a commission fee.
They are absolutely not cost you some extra money to pay. In most cases, our recommended product will actually save your money.
Because Tutorialdeep is an authority website, a lot of vendors offer our readers exclusive discounts.
For example, if you were to purchase WordPress Hosting from WPEngine, you would normally pay $29/month. However, if you purchase the hosting by using our referral link, you will get some discount.
In addition to this, We don’t want any personal information, i.e. name, email, address, credit card, etc.
The only thing we see is that an anonymous user made a purchase on date/time and which product they bought.
How Can You Help Us?
I personally maintain this blog for our readers free of cost. If you’ve found Tutorialdeep to be helpful and thinking of buying a product that you like, please buy it by using a Tutorialdeep referral link. Spread the word by sharing our tutorials with your friends and family on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, etc.
Thank you for your support
Roshan Parihar
Founder of TutorialDeep