How to Count String Characters Length Using jQuery

Last Updated on October 7, 2020 by Roshan Parihar

To count string characters length in jQuery, use the jQuery length property to find the number of characters in a string. You can get characters length with the property and display output on an alert message or display on your page.

See this Simple Example

This is my string.

The length of the string can be easily found with the jQuery methods. Calculate the length of the string and add or display it to your website pages.

How to Count String Characters Length Using jQuery

To count string characters length using jQuery, you also need to get a string using jQuery text(). It finds the text in a string and you can store it to any variable.

In addition to this, you also need to use the jQuery length property. The property finds the length of the string or number of characters in a string.


This is my string.

The above example contains the string and the button to get the length of the string. Click the above button to get the string length in the alert message.

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