How To Quickly Select All Cells Of A column in Excel

Last Updated on December 25, 2020 by Roshan Parihar

In this tutorial, learn how to select all cells of a column fastly using keyboard or mouse. There are many shortcuts available in Excel to perform this task in seconds. You just have to press the shortcut key of the keyboard to instantly select the column cells.

Select the number of cells with the shortcuts and add your date in the cell. All different ways of selecting your required cells are given below.

Keyboard Shortcut to Select all Cells of a Column in Excel

The keyboard is the immediate way of selecting your column cells. The step-by-step process with screenshots is given below to follow.

Step 1: Visit Cell of a Column you Want to Select all Column Cell.

You have to first visit the cell of the column which you want to select all column cell. Use your keyboard left or right arrow key to press. Press them for many times until you reach the cell of the required column.

Visit cell of a column you want to select all column cell

If you check the above example image, you can see that it selects the cell with the name C4. This is because you want to select all the cells of the column C. However, you can select any other cells as per your requirement of column.

Step 2: Final Step: Press ‘ctrl’ and ‘space bar’ Together to Select all Column Cell.

This is the final step where you have to just press the ‘ctrl’ + ‘space’. See the below image to get the combination of the shortcut to press.

Final step: Press 'ctrl' and 'space bar' together to select all column cell

You have to press and hold the ‘ctrl’ key and then press the ‘space bar’. After you press, you will get the selected column as given in the image below.

Final step: Press 'ctrl' and 'space bar' together to select all column cell

That’s all about selecting all cells of a single column. However, there are many other methods to select cells from the specified location. Read further to also get the method using only the mouse.

Using Mouse Shortcut to Make all Cell Selection in Excel

The mouse use for the selection is also the fastest method. This method required only the single click of the column name to select all cell. All you have to do is the check the below single step method.

Step 1: Click the Name of the Column for Selecting all Cell

In this step, you have to click the requirement column name. Check the image below which select the single column cells. This method selects all the cells for the column you click.

Click the name of column for selecting all cell.

The above image showing cell B which you want to select all cells. It selects all the cells immediately on click of the column name.

Selection From Specified Cell to All other Cells in a Column Using Excel

If you want to start the selection from the specified cell. You have to follow the below-given steps.

Step 1: Go to The Cell from Where you Want to Select all Below Cells of a Column.

You have to first click the start cell from where you want to start selection. The below image showing that you want to start the selection from cell B4.

Go to The cell from where you want to select all below cells of a Column

You can use either mouse or arrow key of the keyboard to visit the cell B4.

Step 2: Press ‘ctrl’, ‘shift’ and ‘down Arrow’

After you visit the starting cell, you have to press the shortcut key ‘ctrl’ + ‘shift’ + ‘down arrow’. If you have any doubt about the keys, you can check the below image showing the required key press.

Go to The cell from where you want to select all below cells of a Column

After the pressing of the above keys in combination. You will get the selected cells with B4 as the starting cell as given in the below image.

Go to The cell from where you want to select all below cells of a Column

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