HTML marquee tag

Last Updated on April 26, 2023 by Roshan Parihar

HTML Marquee is the way of display scrolling text.

This scrolling text can scroll horizontally as well as vertically. Marquee text can be used in the websites to show scrolling text like news and events. Marquee text can be displayed in HTML pages by using <marquee>.



This is marquee, scrolling text.

List of HTML marquee tag attributes

Sr. No. HTML Marquee Attributes Description
1 direction Used to give direction to the scrolling text. The value of this is left, right, top, up and down.
2 width Used to give the width of the marquee.
3 height Used to give a height for marquee element.
4 behavior Used to give the behavior of the marquee text. The value of this are scroll, slide and alternate.
5 scrollamount Used to give amount in numbers. This controls of speed of the marquee text. Higher the values, higher is the speed of the marquee text. The value is in milliseconds.
6 scrolldelay Used to give a delay in number. This controls the delay of content to display again from the coming end. The value is in milliseconds.
7 bgcolor Used to give background color to the marquee text.
8 vspace Used to set the vertical space between the marquee and the content top and bottom.
9 hspace Used to set the horizontal space between the marquee and the content before and after.
10 loop Used to define how many times the marquee will appear in the loop. loop=”2″ means marquee will appear two times. loop=”infinite” means marquee will appear continuous.

Marquee Direction Attribute

Direction attributes used to give the direction to the marquee content. The directions are left, right, up and down.

Right direction marquee


This is a right direction marquee.

Left direction marquee


This is a left direction marquee.

Up direction marquee


This is up direction marquee.

Down direction marquee


This is down direction marquee.

HTML Marquee width and height Attribute

Width and height attributes used to give the size of the marquee. We can define the width and height in pixel numbers as well as percentage.


This is first text marquee.

This is a second text marquee.

Marquee behavior Attribute

Marquee behavior attribute is used to define the behavior of the marquee. The values for behavior or scroll, slide, and alternate.

Example with scroll behavior


This is scroll text marquee.

Slide behavior marquee


This is the slide text marquee.

Alternate behavior marquee


This is an alternate text marquee.

Marquee scrollamount Attribute

Scrollamount attribute used to give the scroll speed to the marquee content. The value will be in millisecond.


This is marquee text with scrollamount.
This is marquee text with scrollamount.

Marquee scrolldelay Attribute

Scrolldelay attribute given delay in number. This controls the delay of content to display again from the coming end. The value is in milliseconds.


This is marquee text with scrolldelay.
This is marquee text with scrolldelay.

Marquee vspace Attribute

vspace attribute Used to set the vertical space between the marquee and the container top and bottom.


This is marquee text with vspace.outer text

Marquee hspace Attribute

hspace attribute Used to set the horizontal space between the marquee and the content before and after.


This is marquee text with hspace.outer text

Marquee loop Attribute

Used to define how many times the marquee will appear in the loop. loop=”2″ means marquee will appear two times. loop=”infinite” means marquee will appear continuous.


This is marquee text with loop.

Resources and References

1. W3C Specification.
2. HTML living standard
3. W3C project using Github